Agnes Nabwato - 1 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Agnes Nabwato

Center Troas Center

Age 18

First Name Agnes

Last Name Nabwato

Date Of Birth 2005-07-16

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Social Studies

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Red

Agnes has one sister and both her parents. She stays with her elderly grandma and her mother’s friend who is also a student. Agnes’ grandma is too old to do heavy work. The family survives on the little money that Agnes’ aunt sends them. Her parents also give some financial support every now and then but it is always little, insufficient to provide for all Agnes’ needs. They currently live in a temporary house and have a shortage of water due to the wells being far away. Agnes is well behaved, yet her performance in school is hindered because she is unable to attend school regularly. With your prayers and financial support, Agnes will be able to attend school regularly and achieve her academic potential.