Agnes Nassali - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Agnes Nassali

Center Kamusenene Center

Age 15

First Name Agnes

Last Name Nassali

Date Of Birth 2008-10-27

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Blue

Agnes, the seventh born in her family has five brothers and two sisters. 2 children died before Agnes was born. Agnes’ mother was involved in a fatal accident. A couple of years later, the father fell sick and he also died. Some of Agnes’ siblings were taken in by other relatives. Agnes was taken in by her aunt who is a widow. They stay in a house made of mud and bamboo. Agnes’ aunt is a farmer who grows crops in her garden majorly for food. Agnes loves school but many times has to stay home because she lacks tuition and school supplies.  Her life can be changed only if she attends school and receives an education. After completing school, she will be able to get a job and give a helping hand to her siblings. With your love and support, you will help make this happen.