Charles Ssajjalyabene - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Charles Ssajjalyabene

Center Troas Center

Age 20

First Name Charles

Last Name Ssajjalyabene

Date Of Birth 2004-04-01

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Social Studies

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Green

Charles is the second born in a family of one boy and two girls. He and his siblings live with their mother. Charles' father was working in Sudan when a tribal war broke out and he was killed. The mother is now responsible for meeting all the needs of her children. She rents a small garden space where she grows food to feed her family. Charles is a good student and is interactive in class. He works hard in school to fulfill his career dream, but due to lack of school fees, he has not been able to attend school regularly. Your support will help him reach his goal of becoming a pilot.