Christopher Munyera - 2 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Christopher Munyera

Center Troas Center

Age 11

First Name Christopher

Last Name Munyera

Date Of Birth 2012-12-18

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Numbers

Favorite Activity Drawing

Favorite Color Red

Christopher is the sixth born in a family of four boys and two girls. Christopher's parents are separated. The father left the home and married another woman. He does not provide for Christopher or his siblings. His mother suffers from lung cancer. She has a difficult time taking care of all six children due to her poor health. The elder sister is very helpful to her mother. They have a small garden where they raise food for the family's survival. Christopher's mother wants her son to succeed in life but she can’t afford to pay tuition for him. Christopher loves school. By Sponsoring Christopher, you will play an important role in this young boy's life, helping him to achieve an education, thereby giving him a bright future.