Denis Opiyo - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Denis Opiyo

Center Lagutu Center

Age 22

First Name Denis

Last Name Opiyo

Date Of Birth 2001-06-08

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Brown

Denis is the first born of two boys in his family.  The parents separated, and the mother chose to leave the children with their maternal grandparents. Neither parent has ever come back to check on Denis or his brother, David. The whereabouts of the parents are unknown. The feeble grandparents have no jobs. They find it difficult to provide for their grandchildren’s needs.  With the help of their grandchildren, the grandparents grow a few food crops for the family’s consumption. A child of Denis’ age would be in high school, but Denis is in sixth grade.  He hasn’t been able to attend school regularly due to lack of tuition. His dreams of becoming a teacher can be fulfilled by your faithful sponsorship.