George Ssekamanya - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

George Ssekamanya

Center Lugazi Center

Age 16

First Name George

Last Name Ssekamanya

Date Of Birth 2007-07-15

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Green

George has no brothers nor sisters but Joseph who is a step brother. They both live with their grandmother, because their mothers left them.  When George was 2, his parents separated due to misunderstandings.  His mother chose to leave George with his father.  His father took him to stay with the paternal grandmother who is old and feeble.  George has not seen his mother since the day she left.  His father is unemployed but does casual labor in people’s gardens in order to get some money to help the grandmother in providing for his 2 sons.  He can hardly earn a dollar a day and this leaves his sons without most of their basic needs including school tuition and supplies.  George hopes to become a doctor in the future.  However, this is possible only if he acquires an education.  You can make that happen through your support.  Please pray for his family also.