Godfrey Nsimbi - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Godfrey Nsimbi

Center Kitongo Center

Age 12

First Name Godfrey

Last Name Nsimbi

Date Of Birth 2011-12-08

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

Godfrey is the sixth born in a family of six children and has four sisters and one brother.  Godfrey was born premature at 7 months but he is a healthy boy. He and his siblings stay with their parents in a temporary house made of mud & bamboo that his parents built themselves. Godfrey’s parents work together to provide for the entire family. They grow a few food crops in their garden for feeding the family and in a good season, they reserve a few crops for sale to provide for other needs. Being unemployed, the load of providing for all the children’s necessities is too heavy for the parents.  Their greatest challenge is paying for the children’s tuition and school supplies. Your faithful monthly contribution towards Godfrey’s education will guarantee that he will be able to regularly attend school.