Josephine Nakato - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Josephine Nakato

Center Kitongo Center

Age 19

First Name Josephine

Last Name Nakato

Date Of Birth 4/6/2005

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Blue

Josephine is born in a family of five children; three girls and two boys her being the third born. She stays with both her parents who are peasants. They grow a few food crops and sell off some of the harvest to earn a living to be in position to provide for the childrens necessities. At times, the harvest is little due to the weather, pests and diseases making the income earned little insufficient to cater for all the necessities. They find most difficulty in paying for the childrens tuition and scholastic materials. They believe that their children can only have a brighter future if they attain education but they cant afford keeping them in school so your educational support can make a great difference in Josephines life.