Lawrence Ssekitoleko - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Lawrence Ssekitoleko

Center Kassanda Education Center

Age 17

First Name Lawrence

Last Name Ssekitoleko

Date Of Birth 2007-05-03

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Mathematics

Favorite Activity Soccer

Favorite Color Red

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Lawrence is the fourth born in his family.  He has three sisters and two brothers.  His parents separated because the mother became greedy after her husband had set a business for her.  The intention was to earn some money to cater for the children’s necessities but the mother disappeared with all the business money.  This left the father so broke that he decided to go back to his ancestry home to start a new life with his children.  Being unemployed, the father finds it challenging to provide for most of the children’s necessities especially food, tuition and medication.  Lawrence’s irregularity at school doesn’t prevent him from dreaming big.  He sees himself as one of the many engineers in years to come.