Lillian Naluyima - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Lillian Naluyima

Center Kassanda Education Center

Age 12

First Name Lillian

Last Name Naluyima

Date Of Birth 2011-06-07

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Literacy

Favorite Activity Rope Skipping

Favorite Color Blue

Lillian is the second born of three children in her family. She has one brother and one sister. Her family rents a single-room house in a remote community where they live. The father earns so little while the mother runs a small retail business of selling food items by the roadside. As much as her parents work hard, their income cannot adequately meet the needs of the children. Paying for the children’s tuition is a big challenge for Lillian’s parents. Lillian loves school and she wishes to become a nurse.