Mercy Adokorach - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Mercy Adokorach

Center Lagutu Center

Age 15

First Name Mercy

Last Name Adokorach

Date Of Birth 2008-12-30

Gender Female

Favorite Subject English

Favorite Activity Playing Chess

Favorite Color Pink

Mercy’s family lives in a very remote and poor community of Lagutu- Gulu district in the Northern part of Uganda. She is the 2nd born among the three girls in her family. Her parents are too poor to pay her tuition or even provide the smallest basic needs. They are peasant farmers who grow groundnuts and sim-sim using hand hoes. Mercy goes to school bare feet and without shoes. She performs so well in and wants to be a teacher in future. They can only yield crops for home consumption and nothing left for sale. Mercy is sometimes forced to skip school due to unpaid tuition or lack of school items but it’s her prayer that someone someday will support her education so she can attend school on a regular basis.