Rachael Nalwanga - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Rachael Nalwanga

Center Kassanda Education Center

Age 12

First Name Rachael

Last Name Nalwanga

Date Of Birth 2012-01-13

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Drawing

Favorite Activity Shading

Favorite Color Green

Racheal is the seventh born in a family of nine children.  Racheal and her eight brothers live with both parents.  Racheal’s father sells snacks and food items.  The mother is a house wife. The family’s income is not reliable, and as a result, Rachael’s father cannot adequately meet the needs of the children. Sometimes Racheal misses school due to lack of tuition.  Racheal’s mother hopes to see all of her children be blessed with an education.  What breaks her heart is the fact that she can’t do much about it.  You can choose to help the struggling parents by sponsoring Racheal.