Reagan Ssemombwe - 1 of 5 Shares Sponsored

Reagan Ssemombwe

Center Lugazi Center

Age 12

First Name Reagan

Last Name Ssemombwe

Date Of Birth 2011-07-10

Gender Male

Favorite Subject Numbers

Favorite Activity Singing

Favorite Color Red

Reagan stays with his mother and 2 sisters. He is the firstborn in this family. His parents separated because the father neglected his responsibility of providing for the family. The mother is a housewife who struggles to take care of her 3 children. She grows corn and beans basically for food. Sometimes she’s forced to sell part of her harvest so she can earn some money but still she can't raise enough to provide clothing, health care, school supplies and tuition for Reagan. Reagan dreams of being a doctor one day. Your support towards his education will be of great help not only to Reagan but also his mother.