Shaida Nabbaale - 0 of 6 Shares Sponsored

Shaida Nabbaale

Center Kitongo Center

Age 23

First Name Shaida

Last Name Nabbaale

Date Of Birth 2001-03-11

Gender Female

Favorite Subject Science

Favorite Activity Netball

Favorite Color Yellow

Shaida has 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Her family lives in a very rural community in Central Uganda. Before Shaida joined the Imani Milele program, she had no access to most of the needs like clothing, medical care and also used to miss school due to unpaid tuition. This is because her father is a low-income earner yet the mother is a housewife. In 2007, Shaida was brought under the care of Imani Milele. She was given access to better nutrition, health care, better accommodation and more so an opportunity to attend school. She is not only a member of the Imani Milele Choir but was also on tour 2013 as a singer and dancer. Her life has been greatly transformed by the love, care and her involvement in the choir. Shaida is currently in Uganda working hard in school.